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Proto Blast

1 Chapter

Genre: action, sci-fi

Amuba alien datang untuk menguasai bumi! Makhluk yang sudah jelas tidak lagi masuk kategori mikroorganisme itu memanipulasi amuba bumi, menjadikan mereka gumpalan yang berbahaya. Selagi melukai penduduk, sebenarnya amuba-amuba itu juga menderita digumpalkan seperti itu. Tugasmulah untuk menyelamatkan bumi dan amuba-amuba itu! Tembak gumpalan-gumpalan itu untuk mengurai dan mengembalikan hakikat mereka sebagai protozoa!

Cerita pembuka untuk game Proto Blast.

An alien amoeba came to take over the earth! The huge wobbly lifeform manipulates earth's amoebas, turning them into vicious clumps. While hurting the residents, those amoebas are actually suffering for being globbed together into those clumps. It is your duty to save the earth and the amoebas! Shoot! Blast the clumps to release them back into their nature as protozoas!

Opening story for Proto Blast game.

Proto Blast game is currently in development. For more information, click the button below:

Proto Blast
Status: in development

Originally published in Ngomik.com on July 2015
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